Writing Workshops & Conferences: Are$They$Worth$It?


A few weeks ago, I heard about an online writing workshop hosted by YARWA (Young Adult Romance Writers of America). The workshop is titled Writing for the Young Adult Market: Where Do I Begin?

I spend more time than I should surfing the internet about the YA market and writing and publishing, so I wasn’t sure this workshop would offer anything new. But, I filed the info away for later, just in case.

Normally I forget everything I file away for later, but not this workshop. I think it was because the instructor, author Jordan Dane, writes YA thrillers. Holy frozen tacos, Batman, I love YA thrillers! If Ms. Dane wrote YA contemporary, I would’ve immediately forgotten about it. But YA thrillers… yes, my precious!

Hee-hee. Get it?

So, I signed up. It was only $20. It starts February 20th and ends March 2nd. Here’s a link to it. I have no idea what to expect or how an online workshop works, but I’m excited! I’ve never done anything like this before. But there has to be other ways to improve your craft other than reading, reading writing books, and writing all the time, right? Right.

Do you know of any workshops or conferences that are w$o$r$t$h it?

P.S. Happy Valentine’s Day!

P.P.S. I liked The River, but I’m not sure I luuuuuurve it yet. Thoughts?

8 thoughts on “Writing Workshops & Conferences: Are$They$Worth$It?

  1. Happy Love day to you too 🙂

    I haven’t watched The River. In fact, I watch very little primetime TV.

    I’ve done both free and paid classes. I’ve paid $400 at Gotham Writer’s Workshop, just a few bucks at Critique Circle for a year’s membership, and nothing for the free 6-week sessions at F2K (hosted by Writers’ Village University). I’ve got far more out of CC and F2K than the expensive classes.

    You should try out an F2K session. I bet you’d like it! I’m interning there now 🙂

  2. I’ve taken 5 classes at Gotham Writer’s Workshop! The fiction writing classes are well worth the money. I’m not too happy with the reading fiction class.

    If you like Jordan Dane, you might already know this, but she co-authors on http://killzoneauthors.blogspot.com/

    Good luck with your class. I’m going to go and check it out now! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  3. Good luck with your class and thank you so much for sharing. I had no idea such a thing existed, plus it’s totally affordable.

  4. Mysti – I’ll have to look into F2K, though probably in the summer when I have more time. And how could I forget about Critique Circle?! Probably because I rely on it like air, so I don’t even think about shelling out money for it.

    Bot – I will!

    Diane – I’ve heard of Gotham Writer’s Workshop, but those prices are a bit steep. Maybe when I win the lottery… I’ll check out that Jordan Dane blog!

    Akoss – You’re quite welcome! And yes, it is super affordable!

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