The Lucky 7 Meme

I’ve been tagged by the lovely and talented Tania Walsh for the Lucky 7 Meme.

The rules of this meme are:

1. Go to page 77 of your current MS/WIP
2. Go to line 7
3. Copy down the next 7 lines, sentences, or paragraphs, and post them as they’re written.
4. Tag 7 authors
5. Let them know
So, the following lines are from The Grave Winner:
            Other than the black stump of a tree and Sarah’s footsteps burnt into the grass, everything looked normal. If it weren’t for the police tape, I’d think I imagined the whole thing last night. After leaning my bike against a nearby tree, I parked myself next to Mom’s headstone.
            It’s me again, Mom. I can’t stay away from you.
            Movement caught my eye. Tram walked towards me, scooping back the hood that covered his head. His curls turned in the wind. I scolded my heart when it did a little flip.
            “I was here earlier. Where were you?” I asked.
The seven authors I choose are:
2. Ian
If I don’t get around to letting you know you’ve been tagged, my apologies. Time hasn’t been a friend to me lately. 🙁